A young man is mystified by why he can’t see an eclipse. A scammer falls for a woman he’s targeting. A nondescript gray house hides a secret from a curious woman walking her dog. A girl discovers a mummified Viking bog boy while on a birding tour. A college student gets trapped in a biosphere after hours. Hemingway’s stolen stories are found in New Jersey. Singing in the shower takes on a whole new meaning. And a librarian develops her own theories about the influence of trees. United by the power of appearances to deceive and captivate, these tales glisten with the magic and menace of everyday lives.

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For the love of Lake Superior

The animals of the forests, beaches, and islands in Lake Superior and Minnesota provide the topics for Marie's books and photos. Click on a photo to learn more.

Novelist, Science Writer, Poet, Photographer

Coming Soon: "The Path of  Totality" short stories & a novella

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